Tag: ukraine was invaded by russia

Anatoly Tymoshchuk is now regared as a 'traitor' in Ukraine, the country he wrote history for at both club and national team levels. (Image: news.obozrevatel.com)

Ukrainian Deprived Hero Tymoshchuk Accused of Being a Russian Spy

Just days after Anatoliy Tymoshchuk was tagged as a ‘traitor’ — erased from the Ukrainian Football Federation’s records and deprived of all the honors and trophies he won at club and national team levels in Ukraine — his former agent Vitaliy Yurchenko made shocking statements regarding the ex-midfielder. https://www.facebook.com/permalink.php?story_fbid=5552500381430774&id=100000126026058 https://www.facebook.com/permalink.php?story_fbid=5552500381430774&id=100000126026058 […]